• 《茶花女》第5~6章中英文对照双语在线阅读

    《茶花女》第5~6章中英文对照双语在线阅读,I had not seen Armand again either. I had begun to wonder if, the day he called on me, the recent news of Marguerites death had not exaggerated the love he had once felt for her and therefore his grief, and I told myself that perhaps...

  • 成语寓言故事:螳螂捕蝉(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:螳螂捕蝉(中英对照),One young hanger-on of his wanted to dissuade him but didn't dare. He carried a slingshot, and for three consecutive days paced up and down in the King's back garden. The dew wetted his clothes all through....

  • Valentine's Day情人节的起源介绍英文版
    Valentine's Day情人节的起源介绍英文版

    Valentine's Day情人节的起源介绍英文版,Many people celebrate their love for their partner by sending cards or letters, giving gifts or flowers and arranging meals in restaurants or romantic nights in hotels. Valentine's cards are often decorated with im...

  • 中秋节起源英文版双语对照 the origin of The Mid-Autumn Festival
    中秋节起源英文版双语对照 the origin of The Mid-Autumn Festival

    中秋节起源英文版双语对照 the origin of The Mid-Autumn Festival,In the 14th century,the eating of mooncakes at Mid-Autumn Festival was given a new significance. The story goes that when Zhu Yuan Zhang was plotting to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty started by the Mongolian...

  • 老子《道德经》中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文7~9章
    老子《道德经》中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文7~9章

    老子《道德经》中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文7~9章,天长地久。天地所以能长且久者,以其不自生,故能长生。是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存。非以其无私邪!故能成其私。【现代汉语】天地长生不朽。天地之所以能永久长存,是因为它们的所有活动、运作都不是为了自己,所以它们的生命能够久远而不枯竭。...

  • 英语小短文:青春


  • 成语寓言故事:买椟还珠(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:买椟还珠(中英对照),First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisite case which he fumigated with the delicate fragrance of osmanthuses and Chinese prickly ashes....

  • 百句唯美爱情英语句子(中英对照)

    百句唯美爱情英语句子(中英对照),我总是,追赶,那些黑色的潮水断处的山崖,却忘记了命轮里,一季一季俏俏开放,又悄悄枯萎的,没有来路的葵花。I am always running after those black tides from the cliff, but forget those sunflowers which blow and vanish every year....

  • 《论语》全文中英文对照在线阅读(含古文原文译文注释点评)第16章1~5

    《论语》全文中英文对照在线阅读(含古文原文译文注释点评)第16章1~5,The head of the Ji family was going to attack Zhuan Yu. Ran You and Ji Lu had an interview with Confucius, and said, "Our chief, Ji, is going to commence operations against Zhuan Yu....

  • 《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照18
    《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照18

    《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照18,"Bring me back a word!" Charlotte called after him. "I shall be writing tonight for the last time."The rat mumbled something to himself and disappeared into the shadows. He did not like being tre...

  • 老子《道德经》51~55章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文
    老子《道德经》51~55章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文

    老子《道德经》51~55章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文,All things are produced by the Tao, and nourished by its outflowing operation. They receive their forms according to the nature of each, and are completed according to the circumstances of their condition....

  • 《双城记》第9~10章中英文对照双语在线阅读

    《双城记》第9~10章中英文对照双语在线阅读,Yes. T'other one's was one syllable. I know you. You wa, a spy-witness at the Bailey. What, in the name of the Father of Lies, own father to yourself was you called at that time?...

  • 成语寓言故事:唇亡齿寒(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:唇亡齿寒(中英对照),Once, the State of Jin intended to invade the State of Guo and had to seek for permission to go by way of the State of Yu. The King of Jin was worried that the State of Yu would refuse to consent....

  • 英语专业必看小说David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔原著中英文对照在线阅读(第61~62章)
    英语专业必看小说David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔原著中英文对照在线阅读(第61~62章)

    英语专业必看小说David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔原著中英文对照在线阅读(第61~62章),With this, Number Twenty Eight retired, after a glance between him and Uriah; as if they were not altogether unknown to each other, through some medium of communication; and a murmur went round the group...

  • 《茶花女》第1~2章中英文对照双语在线阅读

    《茶花女》第1~2章中英文对照双语在线阅读,When the Duke questioned her, Marguerite admitted everything, and, without a second thought, advised him not to concern himself with her any more,...

  • 老子《道德经》22~25章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文
    老子《道德经》22~25章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文

    老子《道德经》22~25章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文,The circumbendibus leads to consummation; the condescender leads to spread; the low-lying position leads to increscence; the worn things lead to brand new vitality; the lack leads to abundance; and, overmuch abundance leads t...

  • 英语小短文:坚持追随梦想

    英语小短文:坚持追随梦想,Catch the star that will take you to your dream...

  • 狐假虎威的双语版成语典故

    狐假虎威的双语版成语典故,The fox and the tiger, one in front and the other in back, walked towards the depths of the forest. The fox was very cocky, shaking its head and wagging its tail. The tiger was dubious, looking around....

  • 大学毕业赠言:离别优美经典句子(中英对照)

    大学毕业赠言:离别优美经典句子(中英对照),大学四年临近毕业,心里一定有千言万语说不尽道不出,就化作这下面的一条条赠言吧 Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。...

  • 杯弓蛇影的双语版成语典故

    杯弓蛇影的双语版成语典故,While drinking, his friend thought he caught a glimpse of a small snake swimming around in his cup. Though disgusted, he swallowed the wine down, but the thought of the snake nauseated him....

  • 英语专业必看小说David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔原著中英文对照在线阅读(第63~64章)
    英语专业必看小说David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔原著中英文对照在线阅读(第63~64章)

    英语专业必看小说David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔原著中英文对照在线阅读(第63~64章),Among my boys, this summer holiday time, I see an old man making giant kites, and gazing at them in the air, with a delight for which there are no words. He greets me rapturously, and whispers, with many...

  • 玫瑰花数量代表的含义(英文版)

    玫瑰花数量代表的含义(英文版),13 roses:Forever friends 15 roses:I'm really sorry 20 roses:I'm sincere towards you 21 roses:I'm committed to you 24 roses:You're always on my mind...

  • 《基督山伯爵》第3~4章中英文对照双语在线阅读

    《基督山伯爵》第3~4章中英文对照双语在线阅读,Beyond a bare, weather-worn wall, about a hundred paces from the spot where the two friends sat looking and listening as they drank their wine, was the village of the Catalans....

  • 成语寓言故事:曲高和寡(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:曲高和寡(中英对照),Long, long ago, King Wei of the State of Chu trusted Song Yu very much, but he often heard others say bad things against Song Yu.很早很早以前,楚国的楚威王很信任宋玉,可是他又经常听到别人讲宋玉的坏话。...

  • 成语寓言故事:五十步笑百步(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:五十步笑百步(中英对照),One day, King Hui of Liang met Mencius and said:一天,梁惠王见到孟子,说:"What a mess the political state of our neighbouring countries is in! When they govern their states, they never think of the people....

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