


 __1__Where is Edinburgh?

A In Wales  B In Scotland

C In Northern Ireland  D In Ireland

__2__ Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network?


__3__The Capital of Australia is __.

A Sydney  B Melbourne  C Canberra  D Perth

__4__ Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?

A Master’s degree  B Doctor’s degree

C Bachelor’s degree  D Associate’s degree

__5__ George Bernard Shaw was a(n) __.

A playwright  B poet  C novelist  D essayist

__6__ John Galsworthy was most famous for__.

A Heart of Darkness  B Ulysses

C The Forsyste Saga  D A Passage to India

__7__ The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by__.

A Henry James  B O. Henry

C Harriet Beccher Stower  D Mark Twain

__8__The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in condition is__.

A morphology  B general linguistics

C phonology  D semantics

__9__Which of the following is NOT a compound word?

A Landlady  B Greenhouse

C Uplift  D Unacceptable

__10__ The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any which we don’t have to work. This is an example of __.

A meaning shift  B widening of meaning

C narrowing of meaning  D loss of meaning



1-5 BDCDA 6-10 CDCDB

1. 选B. Wales的首府为Cardiff, Scotland的首府为Edinburgh. Northern Ireland的首府Belfast, Ireland的首府为Dublin。

2. 选 D。 BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司, ABC=American Broadcasting Company, Inc美国广播公司; CNN= Cable News Network美国有线广播公司, CBS= Columbia Broadcasting System哥伦比亚广播公司。

3. 选C。Sydney第一城市, 位于New South Wales州;Melbourne第二大城市位于Victoria州,Canberra位于Sydney与Melbourne之间;Perth位于Australia州。

4. 选D。 Associate’s degree是准学士学位。

5. 选A。George Bernard Shaw (英国,萧伯纳),爱尔兰籍,剧作家,批评家,社会评论家,主要作品有Man and Superman, Back to Methuselah, Saint Joan <圣女贞德>,Arms and the Man, Pygmalion <卖花女>,获得1925年诺贝尔文学奖。

6. 选C。John Galsworthy(英国),小说家,剧作家。主要作品有The Forsyte Saga<福塞特家史>,于1932年获得了诺贝尔文学奖;Heart of Darkness,作者Joseph Conrad,波兰籍英国小说家,另有Lord Jim <吉姆老爷>;Ulysses, 作者James Joyce, 爱尔兰作家Finnergans Wake《为芬尼根守灵》; A Passage to India,作者E.M. Forster,英国小说家,另有Howards End霍华德别业。

7. 选D。Mark Twain= Samuel Langhorne Clemens,作品有The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Henry James, 主要作品有Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl; O.Henry= William Sydney Porter, 主要作品有Cabbages and Kings, Four Million; Harriet Beecher Stower, 其反奴隶制小说Uncle Tom’s Cabin,促进了废奴运动发展。

8. 选C。Linguistics语言学, the study of human language,包括 Theoretical linguistic, Applied linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics和Historical linguistics.这里主要考Theoretical linguistics.

9. 选D。是derivation.

10. 选B。 从any day就可以知道 widening of meaning.

__1__ The study of __ is Syntax.

A textual organization B sentence structures C word formation D language functions

__2__ Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?

A arbitrariness B productivity C cultural transmission D finiteness

__3__ The speech act theory was first put forward by__.

A John Scarl B Johan Austin C Noarn Chomsky D M.A.K Halliday

__4__ The capital city of Canada is __.

A Montreal B Ottawa C Vancouver D York

__5__ U.S. presidents normally serve a (an) __ term.

A eight-year B four-year C six-year D two year

__6__ Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.

A Huston B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston

__7__The state church in England is __.

A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church D The Church of England

__8__ The novel Emma is written by__.

A Jane Austen B Elizabeth C Gaskell C Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley

__9__ Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet?

A William Wordsworth B Percy B. Shelley C George G. Byron D George Eliot

__10__ William Sidney Porter, known as O.Henry, is most famous for __.

A his poem B his plays C His novels D his short stories



1-5 BDBBB 6-10 ADADD

1. 选B。 Syntax (句法),研究词或其他句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科。

2. 选D。语言的区别性特征包含有五个特征:arbitrariness(任意性),productivity(能产性), duality(双层性) displacement(不受时空限制),cultural transmission(文化传递性)。 Arbitrariness,指一句话所表达的意思与表达这个意思的语言文字之间的关系不确定。Productivity,事实上,能产性有时也称之为创造性,指的是人们可以构造或理解无穷多的新语句。duality, 语言结构的二重性指的一个是语音结构,另一个是语义结构。 cultural transmission指的是语言不像遗传基因那样才能代代相传,语言必须作为一个体系,必须一点一点的习得。人所要学的某一特定的语言是文化的即社会的语言,人出生后孤立于文化或社会环境之外是无法习得语言的。

3. 选B。言语行为理论是由英国哲学家奥斯汀提出的假说。60年代,英国哲学家J·L·Austin奥斯汀和J·Searle赛尔勒先后发表了“语言行为”的理论。根据奥斯汀的言语行为理论,当人们所处每句话时,不管其是否含有行为动词,都包含有“说”的成分和“做”的成分,即言内行为locutionary act,言外行为illocutionary act和言后行为perlocutionary act.

4. 选B。Canada的首度是Ottawa(渥太华)。Toronto(多伦多)是加拿大最大的城市;Montreal (蒙利特尔)加拿大第二城市;Vancouver(温哥华)为第三大城市。

5. 选B。美国总统大选每四年进行一次。美国法律规定每逢以4能除尽的年份的11月的第一个星期一后的星期二举行大选,选举总统和副总统,任期4年。每逢逢双的年份选举众议员,任期2年,并改选1/3的参议员,任期6年。

6. 选A。Huston (休斯顿)是位于美国南部Texas(德克萨斯州) 的城市,而Boston(波士顿) Baltimore (巴尔的摩)Philadephia(费城)都是位于美国东北部的大城市。

7. 选D。The Church of England (英国圣公会),是英国的国家教会,是亨利八世1531年创立的,他颁布了《最高法案》,宣布国王取代教皇成为教会的首脑。英国国教会和国家的关系是一种权利和义务的关系,国王必须是英国国教徒和教会的支持者。

8. 选A。Emma爱玛是Jane Austen简·奥斯汀的重要作品之一,描写女主人认识自身并逐渐抛开幻想的过程。奥斯汀刻意描绘的都是平常的人和事,但不乏社会关系的最深入的描写。她正是通过对熟悉的人和事的描写展示了她所生活时代英国乡绅阶层的生活景观,如财产继承,家庭问题,教育状况,妇女地位和出路以及道德与习俗等。她的作品以深刻清新和细致敏锐而着称,包含了超越历史时空的对人性的透视和哲理。

9. 选D。乔治·爱略特George Eliot是玛丽·安·伊万斯Mary Ann Evans的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的代表。William Wordsworth(威廉·华兹华斯),Percy。B Shelly(雪莱), George G·Byron (拜伦)都是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表。

10. 选D。O·Henry(欧·亨利)原名William Sidney Porter (威廉·西德尼·波特),美国著名短篇小说,《麦琪的礼物》是他最著名的代表作之一,有人称之为“或许是文学里最佳的通俗故事。”