考研英语词汇辨析(11) expect、anticipate、foresee、foretell、estimate、 predict、prophesy






  expect 是普通用词,anticipate 是正式用词,两词有时可以换用,但需注意动词作宾语时,expect接动词不定式,anticipate接动名词。

  1) We didn’t expect/anticipate that the program would be opposed by the majority of the committee members.


  2) The problem is far more complicated than we originally expected/anticipated.


  3) We’d better hurry up; I expect Martin to be waiting anxiously for us at the airport.


  4) We didn’t anticipate meeting any opposition to the proposal we set forth at the meeting.





  anticipate 可表示前瞻性的预计和预料,相当于foresee或foretell的意思。

  1) A good manufacturer must try to anticipate/foresee what his customers will want and decide what shall be produced.


  2)It is far better for us to anticipate the worst and get out of it before it hinders the progress.


  foresee 或 foretell指凭自己的经验事先预测将要发生的事,但不肯定预言是否正确。

  1) No one can foresee / foretell what will happen in the future.


  2) Some observers foresaw/foretold that a new coup would take place in that country. (一些观察家预测在那个国家将会发生一场新的政变。)




  estimate 通常用于对数据的预测,名词为estimation。

  1) 25% children between the age of 10 and 14 are estimated to be working under illegal or dangerous conditions.

 (估计有25% 10~14岁的儿童在非法或危险的情况下工作。)

  2) The U.S. Department of Education estimated that about two million school-age children are educated at home.

  (美国教育部估计大约有200万学龄儿童家里接受 教育。)

  3) I am sorry, but I really shall point out that his estimation is not correct.


  predict 指凭借一定的知识技能或客观事实进行的预测或预料,名词为prediction。

  1) Some observers predicted that there will be a significant improvement in the economy of the country.


  2) It is predicted that within the next 60 million years East Africa will have broken away from the rest of the African continent.


  3) We must make an accurate prediction of the demand on the products in the domestic



  prophesy 用于预言未来可能发生的事,预言者有较大的权威性或智慧,眼光敏锐,预言较为可靠。 名词prophet意思 “预言”、“预言者”。

  1) Many economic experts prophesy /predicted an upturn in the stock market.


  2) They prophesied that the conservative would win the general election, and so it did.
