• 成语寓言故事:邯郸学步(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:邯郸学步(中英对照),A young man in the State of Yan heard that the State of Zhao was more powerful than the State of Yan, so he was much interested in the State of Zhao. Consequently, he crossed over mountain after mountain by himself and got to Handan....

  • 36句孔子经典语录英文翻译(中英对照)

    36句孔子经典语录英文翻译(中英对照),三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them....

  • 感人的英文小诗But you didn't. 《但是你没有》
    感人的英文小诗But you didn't. 《但是你没有》

    感人的英文小诗But you didn't. 《但是你没有》,There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you 有许多许多的事情我要回报你  when you returned from Vietnam. 等你从越南回来 But you didn't. 但是你没有...

  • 成语寓言故事:因噎废食(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:因噎废食(中英对照),Afterwards, someone went so far as to issue a ban: Eating is forbidden as from today for the reason that no one will be choked to death if people give up eating....

  • 《论语》全文中英文对照在线阅读(含古文原文译文注释点评)第17章6~10

    《论语》全文中英文对照在线阅读(含古文原文译文注释点评)第17章6~10,Zi Zhang asked Confucius about perfect virtue. Confucius said, "To be able to practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue." He begged to ask what they were, and was told, "Gra...

  • 英语名家美文段落摘抄-马克吐温星光节选

    英语名家美文段落摘抄-马克吐温星光节选,We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they were made or only just happened. Jim allowed they were made, but I allowed they happened....

  • 老子《道德经》66~70章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文
    老子《道德经》66~70章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文

    老子《道德经》66~70章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文,That whereby the rivers and seas are able to receive the homage and tribute of all the valley streams, is their skill in being lower than they;--it is thus that they are the kings of them all....

  • 成语寓言故事:讳疾忌医(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:讳疾忌医(中英对照),"Your Majesty, I think you are ill. But your illness is only under the skin and can be easily cured. If you do not treat it now, I'm afraid your condition will become serious."...

  • 《培根随笔》在线阅读中英文对照(1~4章)

    《培根随笔》在线阅读中英文对照(1~4章),And if any man should do wrong, merely out of ill nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn, or briar, which prick, and scratch, because they can do no other....

  • 老子《道德经》36~40章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文
    老子《道德经》36~40章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文

    老子《道德经》36~40章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文,Dilation is the sign of constringency; mightiness is the sign of enervation; flourish is the sign of disuse; dispensation is the sign of seizure. All above premonition is indistinct, but the truth and rule is very perspicuous...

  • 《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照6
    《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照6

    《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照6,It was like that. Almost the last thing I remember was standing with Daisy and watching the moving picture director and his Star. They were still under the white plum tree and their faces were touching except for a pale t...

  • 《双城记》第5~6章中英文对照双语在线阅读

    《双城记》第5~6章中英文对照双语在线阅读,One a year and three months. During all that time Lucie was never sure, from hour to hour, but that the Guillotine would strike off her husband's head next day....

  • 《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照9
    《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照9

    《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照9,Someone with a positive manner, perhaps a detective, used the expression "mad man" as he bent over Wilson's body that afternoon, and the adventitious authority of his voice set the key for the newspaper rep...

  • 英国的下午茶文化介绍中英文

    英国的下午茶文化介绍中英文,In England,the custom of drinking tea became popular in 1661.In 17 century,the upper society usually had rich breakfast,simple lunch and a dinner which began still 8 pm....

  • 《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照21
    《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照21

    《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照21,没有一个人,参加过这次展览会的几百人中,没有一个人知道:那只大灰蜘蛛在这次展览会上扮演了一个最重要的角色。当她死亡时,没有一个人陪在她的身旁。 Chapter 21 Last Day Charlotte and Wilbur were alone. The families had gone to look for Fern. Templeton was asleep....

  • 《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照11
    《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照11

    《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web中英文双语对照11,Zuckerman stared at the writing on the web. Then he murmured the words "Some Pig." Then he looked at Lurvy. Then they both began to tremble. Charlotte, sleepy after her night's exertions, smiled as sh...

  • 伊索寓言:狮子和老鼠的故事 英文版
    伊索寓言:狮子和老鼠的故事 英文版

    伊索寓言:狮子和老鼠的故事 英文版,It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed...

  • 成语寓言故事:东施效颦(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:东施效颦(中英对照),Dong Shi saw Xi Shi after long expectation, but she didn't know Xi Shi was ill. She only felt that Xi Shi looked exceptionally beautiful that day.'Therefore, she imitated Xi Shi by pressing her bosom and deliberately knitting h...

  • 雪莱经典英语诗歌一篇

    雪莱经典英语诗歌一篇,Night's ghosts and dreams have now departed;梦和鬼魅也都远走高飞;Thine own soul still is true to thee,你的灵魂,仍然忠实于你,But changed to a foul fiend through misery.但是历尽酸辛已化为厉鬼。...

  • 《傲慢与偏见》第1~5章中英文对照双语在线阅读

    《傲慢与偏见》第1~5章中英文对照双语在线阅读,However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one...

  • 《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照
    《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照

    《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby中英文双语对照,小湾对岸,东卵豪华住宅区的洁白的宫殿式的大厦沿着水边光彩夺目,那个夏天的故事是从我开车去那边到汤姆・布坎农夫妇家吃饭的那个晚上才真正开始的。黛西是我远房表妹,汤姆是我在大学里就认识的。大战刚结束之后,我在芝加哥还在他们家住过两天。...

  • 《论语》全文中英文对照在线阅读(含古文原文译文注释点评)第15章31~35

    《论语》全文中英文对照在线阅读(含古文原文译文注释点评)第15章31~35,The Master said, "I have been the whole day without eating, and the whole night without sleeping; occupied with thinking. It was of no use. The better plan is to learn."...

  • 成语寓言故事:杞人忧天(中英对照)

    成语寓言故事:杞人忧天(中英对照),In the past, a man in the State of Qi went off into wild flights of fancy all day long. He was afraid that the sky might collapse, the land might cave in and he would have no place to live....

  • 老子《道德经》46~50章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文
    老子《道德经》46~50章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文

    老子《道德经》46~50章中英文对照在线阅读 原文译文英文,When the Tao prevails in the world, they send back their swift horses to (draw) the dung-carts. When the Tao is disregarded in the world, the war-horses breed in the border lands....

  • 成语寓言故事:相辅相成(中英对照)

      Complementing Each Other(相辅相成)  In the past, a man bragged about his bow: "There is no bow better than mine. It doesn't need any arrow!"  从前,有个人自夸他的弓,说:“我的弓嘛,没有比这更好...

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